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Blog Category: Technology

High tech related entries
Friendly Advice from my Favorite IT Shop

Ewan Reid from Utilis sent me this. Not sure where it originated. If you find the source, let me know. Definitely great advice on handling IT support: When you call us to have your computer moved, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling […]

3D Design Tool From Google: SketchUp

A friend of mine just introduced me to Google’s design tool called SketchUp I you need to build 3D models for fun or for your work, this is definitely a tool to try.

Wolfram|Alpha is near

Having used Mathematica for years, I might be biased, but I just saw the latest articles about Wolfram|Alpha and I wonder: does it have the potential to be the next Google killer, or not? Frederic Lardinois says in Wolfram|Alpha: Our First Impressions that it isn’t going to be a Google killer, but I’m not convinced. […]

Manage your IT infrastructure with Spiceworks

The New York Times is running an interesting article how Siceworks has become a hub for IT professionals.  Spiceworks combines Software inventory, network inventory, PC inventory. Inventory every IT thing you manage. Network monitoring, Exchange monitoring, license monitoring and more. Stay alert! Asset reporting, inventory reporting… share a report. Report to your heart’s content! Helpdesk […]

The Little Card That Could

Scammers get very creative in gaining access to user data, and some US mobile providers' security systems allow for a little-thought-of way in. What is a SIM Swap Scam, and how can it be avoided?

Your own background in MS Teams

This is an undocumented feature as of this writing, but on Windows you can upload a background image to MS Teams here: %AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads   Stay tuned for Mac OS X