The original URL where we found this solution is here: PostgreSQL DSN Config Bug

Workaround for PostgreSQL DSN Config Bug

How to fix a bug for PostgreSQL Data Source configuration in the ColdFusion MX Administrator.

The problem is that when configuring a PostgreSQL DSN according to the instructions in this TechNote, if you choose a Driver Name field of PostgreSQL, then that will trigger ColdFusion to invoke a handler template of . This handler template is defined in the configuration file in ColdFusion MX’s lib directory. At one time the ColdFusion MX Administrator was going to provide a PostgreSQL JDBC driver out of the box, and that was partially implemented. However, the handler file was never implemented or even created. The result is that after first creating the data source when you return to edit it again ColdFusion will recognize the Driver Name of PostgreSQL and attempt to trigger the handler. This causes the error:

"File not found: /CFIDE/administrator/datasources/postgresql.cfm The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\datasources\postgresql.cfm "

The author discovered the solution on a CFTALK thread. The solution in the CFTALK thread shows how to change the handler reference from postgresql.cfm to default.cfm. Then restart ColdFusion MX. You will then be able to edit the data source correctly. Click Here for the interactive RoboHelp (Demo).
Pete Freitag pointed out in a comment that a better solution would be to find the default.cfm then make a copy named postgresql.cfm.